Friday, October 16, 2009


We went to Disneyland! And really I must say it is the best thing to do for your birthday, if you like birthdays. I really don't mind them. So I had a blast!!!

We are currently at my parents house hanging out. Raffi is running amok and running more amok. It is neat to see his discipline skills maturing. He responds to a possible or actual time out and I've actually seen it curb his bad behavior. So amazing!

He is mimicking so many more words now. "Trash" is the most recent new one I can remember. When he hears a siren, he cups his ear with his hand and says "Listen." He is still obsessed with garbage trucks and gardeners.

Back to Dland: We went on the Carosel 3 times. That was hands down Raffi's favorite ride, we also went on the Train 3 times. Also another big fav. We went on Snow White, Dumbo, Jungle Cruise, and Small WOrld. Raffi wasn't a big fan of the small world(see picture). Cried and danced almost at the same time. We went around Toon Town and near the end of the night we went on the Pirates of the Caribean. And he did great. I was soo impressed. He was shocked at the drop parts of the ride but didn't even cry. So crazy.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Random stuff.

Raffi tried to say crocodile the other day after seeing one on his cup. He is saying bus clearly and pretty much loves the Garbage Trucks and the Gardeners. He seems to like the G words. He is anticipating the stories he knows on his favorite tv shows. Doug and Raffi were watching Johnny Quest and the dog was licking Johnny; so Raffi started licking Doug's face. Crazy kid!

I'm turning 35 this coming weekend. That age actually feels older to me and I'm starting to not like my gray hair again. I might need to start coloring my hair. I feel so tired when I see my gray hair.