Thursday, August 28, 2008

Play Time

This past week Raffi began calling out to me using Mama. When he really wants me, the MAMA, comes right out. He also said Hi, in a meaningful appropriate way, to Doug the other day. Of course, when we tried to get him to say it again, he just looked at us.

I'm still enjoying my moms groups, sometimes it is a little daunting with moms I don't know. I'm bound to say something stupid, but I refuse to hide in my house. I will socialize even if I put my foot in my mouth here or there. I've signed Raffi up for some music classes this fall. I'm really looking forward to it, the babies I have seen that have taken it, really get so much from it.

Today, we played at the local mall's indoor play area; It is air conditioned and a slightly cushioned.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Quick Entry

Raffi is taking a nap and once he wakes up we will rush out the door to get to our Mama & Movers Yoga class. But I thought I would drop a quick note that I'm feeling a little better this week. Having a Mom's night out, last night, certainly helped. A group of moms at a bar, drinking and laughing and talking about poop, nursing, lack of sleep, etc. Needless to say, there were some bar patrons around us that looked at us a bit strangely. But we all had a blast. I'm already counting down the time till the next one.

One of my fav things about being a mom and Raffi is when he lays his head on my chest when I'm holding him. He usually does it when he is being shy around other people or he is tired. It just gives me such a happy feeling. A close second when he reaches his arms up to be held and he just collapses his arms around my neck. And thirdly, I love to hear his laugh and giggles; most often heard when he is being tickled or playing peekaboo.

Oh, and another thing, If I had a dollar for every time someone says that Raffi is adorable, gorgeous or so cute, we could afford a house in San Francisco!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Vacation Hangover

I hate vacation hangovers. The days after our return, I felt angry, frustrated and frequently took it out on the husband, (sorry honey.) To top it off, Raffi's #7 tooth is coming in, so his moods and sleep are erratic. So it hasn't been the cherriest of days lately.

The vacation is over and that means my return to home is a return to motherhood that at times lately feels like it is choking me out. This month, I would of had ten years of service at my former job if I was still working. And the ongoing political happenings remind me of happy times at work; Traveling carefree, hanging out with the guys, doing a job I thought was important. Of course, my memory glosses over the 12 hours of standing, rarely being home, stress upon stress, and many other hardships that I complained about so frequently while I was working.

So a little nostalgia and the fact that I can't go out after 6pm, because I have to put down Raffi, makes for a little bit of stir crazy Darcy. This too will pass, I know.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Home again.

We all made it home safely yesterday. The travel was much smoother the way back. Over the weekend, we went up to Anacortes, WA for lunch and looked at the pretty Victorian houses overlooking the San Juan Islands. On Saturday, we went to the Children's museum, had lunch with some old friends, and went to Tacoma, WA for some of Doug's favorite Teriyaki. On Sunday, we hit Pike Place market for breakfast for one last hooray before we packed up and headed to the airport. Raffi did great on the plane, I think his ears were bothering him a bit on the descent, even with nursing, but he is such a champ.

This is a picture of Raffi in the hotel lounge area. He loved to run around the lobby of the hotel. In this pic he was looking out the window and talking to all the people that walked by.

But, as sad as I was to leave Seattle it is good be home. This week, Doug is off from work, so we hope to have lots of fun, just hanging out.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hello from Seattle!

We are currently in Seattle this week. Hubbie had a work conference, so we tagged along. Needless to say, Raffi and I are having more fun than he is.

Our trip started this past Sunday as we flew from SFO to Seattle. Of course, as airlines go, stuff happens. We left our house at around 1pm for a 4:15p flight. Checking in and security was a little sweaty but a breeze. As we got to our gate, there was a notice that their was a delay of an hour. So we finally boarded the plane sometime after 5pm. And I could see some workers in the cockpit. Not a good sign. The captain announces that their is some mechanical minutia that needs to be fixed. We wait. and wait. Then they say it is going to be some time, so they let us off the plane to wait at the gate. Which was a godsend with Raffi. He just loved to run around the airport. Such wide open spaces, he would just giggle and run! I hope to get video of it on the way back. So finally, the mechanical things were "fixed" or whatever and we were off. We got to our hotel room at 10:50pm. Luckily, right in time to order room service before it closed.

So flying with a toddler. Just flying in general is not my favorite thing to do. Raffi did pretty good. He got fussy, here and there, but overall he was a champ!

So far this week, Raffe and I ate are way through Pike Place Market, shopped, went to the art museum, aquarium, and then back to the Pike Place Market for more food. Well, I guess I ate the most, but Raffi did try some new foods. I have been pigging out. Some good stuff.

I've made some observations about traveling with a kid, as well. You find all the elevators and you pick restaurants based on whether they have a high chair, etc. Most people either have/had their own kids, so they understand or they are nice about it. And then their are other people that just don't get it.

One worker at the art museum treated me like I was an idiot. I know my brain isn't what it used to be (and you know it wasn't much before anyway) but just because I look tired and carrying enough loads to pack a mule, and my child might get fussy and ruin your ambiance, doesn't give you the chops to treat me like an idiot. Ok, that was my rant about that.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Usual Suspects

I blame summertime on my lack of blogging. I feel quite lazy about it. At night, when he is finally asleep, all the wonderful thoughts I had during the day escape me. But he is currently napping so let me say a little nonsense.

Raffi got a bug last week, which included a 102 fever. Luckily it was only a 24 hour type thing and it went away. The past couple of nights I didn't give him any Tylenol because he didn't have the fever...well he was waking up almost every hour and sometimes twice in a hour. It was a return to the old days where he nursed all the time. Eegags. So into the doctor's office we went today. And as usual it is a sore throat. At least I have something to blame now and back we go on the Tylenol. His weigh WITH clothes was 19lbs 9ous. Which still seems light compared to how he looks. It feels like it will take forever for him to reach 20 lbs! Normally toddlers will not gain as much weight during this time and lean out a bit. Raffi obviously doesn't need to lean out at all.

On other fronts, I purchased and used for the first time a slow cooker. It is a small 2 1/2 quart size: perfect for Doug and I. I made a beef bean chili that came out pretty good. It works great in that earlier in the day I have more free time and raffi is not all crazed; I can prepare all the ingredients. And then later dinner time, when raffi possibly is melting down, we just dish and serve. I hope to use it frequently, i know how these convenience electronics are. You buy them and then not use them. So we shall see how it goes.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Verse on my mind

Isaiah 55:2

2 Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,
And let your soul delight itself in abundance.
