Tuesday, December 22, 2009

More December Picks

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Raffi and his usual cuteness. And I finally utilized the Christmas Cards I received this year in a decorative fashion!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Choosing Thanksgiving

I’m just finished the woman’s Bible study on Wed mornings at church. It is by James MacDonald called “Lord, Change my Attitude.” I have some attitude problems like everyone else, but this study really showed the gravity of my errors. It is the month of the Thanksgiving holiday, to give thanks. And that is one attitude that I realized I needed major help on. My attitude was one of complaining, and since this study I realized that complaining is not a harmless venting of feelings but something that makes God angry and is a sin. Ouch! James MacDonald defined complaining as “to express dissatisfaction with a circumstance which is not wrong and about which I am doing nothing myself to correct.” If I put that definition to my complaining about the slow driver in front of me, the little husband annoyances, my housing situation, etc. I am convicted.

In Numbers 11, God tells the story of Moses and the Israelites who were out in the wilderness because of their complaining. Over and over the Israelites complained about everything, and the consequences were severe, even death. Granted, a pillar of fire isn’t going to consume me for complaining…I hope. But I really don’t want that attitude making me an unhappy person and negatively affecting my relationship with God.
But there is hope and a way of combating our tendencies to complain. The answer is gratitude and thankfulness to God. First you have to decide, like so many things in the Christian life. Sitting around waiting for spiritual things to happen to you isn’t going to work. It takes decisions and actions. Decide to have a thankful attitude and back up that decision by reading the Bible. God’s word gives us the reasons for us to be thankful. Our relationship with God is strengthened and God gives us the strength to help us act gratefully.

Even if you do not feel thankful, you can choose to thank God for all the many wonderful things He has done and will do. Make a thankful list of these four things:
1. Things to be thankful for,
2. People I appreciate,
3. Spiritual blessing,
4. Everything else.

Review the list a couple of times a day. You can also make this a family activity and get everyone involved in reminding ourselves of our blessings.

This website also has some great thankful activities:

Sunday, November 8, 2009

small victory for mom

Attached picture is before this...

Tonight I actually did something I wanted to do as a mom, but haven't. When I was pregnant I had all these glorious visions of doing activities with my child and spending quality time with him. But so often that has not not happened. And when he gets too tired in the evening it is all too easy to turn on the television to try to mellow him out.

So tonight, I pulled out my toddler activity book, which I recently got to try to get me started. I know I'm late he is over 2 now, almost 2 1/2. Anyways...I went to an activity which I thought would be easy to do. Peanut Butter play dough, and its edible. Honey and dry milk and we are good to go. I actually held Raffi's attention for 30 minutes. I made a dog and a cat in the dough then we made balls and tossed them into a bowl and counted. And after the peanut butter dough was successfully in Raffi's hair, we did coloring with markers on his big coloring book.

It was wild and crazy fun! And kept his attention and let his dad get some work done. He still was a bit hyper after but at least he wasn't leaping off the window cill to the bean bag!

Monday, November 2, 2009

End of Oct review

Raffi wearing last year's costume at Preschool.
Raffi crying because I forced him to put on his super cool SuperMan costume with muscles. That he won't wear.
Trick or Treating at local town street w/ friends. (Costumeless!)
Hanging at the pumpkin patch on Halloween day.

Friday, October 16, 2009


We went to Disneyland! And really I must say it is the best thing to do for your birthday, if you like birthdays. I really don't mind them. So I had a blast!!!

We are currently at my parents house hanging out. Raffi is running amok and running more amok. It is neat to see his discipline skills maturing. He responds to a possible or actual time out and I've actually seen it curb his bad behavior. So amazing!

He is mimicking so many more words now. "Trash" is the most recent new one I can remember. When he hears a siren, he cups his ear with his hand and says "Listen." He is still obsessed with garbage trucks and gardeners.

Back to Dland: We went on the Carosel 3 times. That was hands down Raffi's favorite ride, we also went on the Train 3 times. Also another big fav. We went on Snow White, Dumbo, Jungle Cruise, and Small WOrld. Raffi wasn't a big fan of the small world(see picture). Cried and danced almost at the same time. We went around Toon Town and near the end of the night we went on the Pirates of the Caribean. And he did great. I was soo impressed. He was shocked at the drop parts of the ride but didn't even cry. So crazy.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Random stuff.

Raffi tried to say crocodile the other day after seeing one on his cup. He is saying bus clearly and pretty much loves the Garbage Trucks and the Gardeners. He seems to like the G words. He is anticipating the stories he knows on his favorite tv shows. Doug and Raffi were watching Johnny Quest and the dog was licking Johnny; so Raffi started licking Doug's face. Crazy kid!

I'm turning 35 this coming weekend. That age actually feels older to me and I'm starting to not like my gray hair again. I might need to start coloring my hair. I feel so tired when I see my gray hair.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ronin the Cat - Memorial

Last week, I put our cat, Ronin, to sleep. He had been throwing up for almost a week if he ate too much. I could tell he was really sick and we weren't going to be able to fix him up this time. So I cried a bunch. So I miss him. I don't miss the stress that it caused Doug, but I miss my fluffy friend. He was such a good cat. So loving and gentle.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Family Beach House

I was visiting family for almost 2 weeks in August. I spent some time at my parent's and then at a beach house in Southern California. My wonderful and generous grandma gets the family a beach house almost every year. And it is always a good time. Sometimes I feel a little trapped by my little guy and limited in the fun stuff I can do, but every year it gets better. And raffi enjoys the beach more and more as he gets older. Through this time he added new words, Moon, tried to say Grandpa, and others that are escaping me at the moment. He just chatters away and talks your ear off, but you just can't understand 90% of it.

Raffi loved the ocean, running amok in the house and being the center of attention. My cousin Kelly is pregnant, so it is neat to see that we will have two little ones in the coming years, to destroy everything. Two boys, even!

There was a lot of firsts as well. I took him to his first baseball game, Angels vs. Tigers, Angels lost. And he did so amazingly, I thought for certain he would be crazy and running off the bleachers. But he stayed in the little area in front of my seat and wasn't bothered by the thousands of people and noises. It was great.

Raffi got skateboard lessons from his big cousin Scott. Of course, Raffi found the skateboard while no one was looking and fell trying to get on it. but he just got up and went back for more. So it was great that Scott gave him some assistance. He just loved it. as you can see.

My brother and I took Raffi down to the shore one morning and we had fun building sand castles and then he destroyed them. As evidence I have video! Grandma-ma gave him a cool double wagon for his birthday in June and we were finally able to utilize it at the beach boardwalk. He loved to be taken on wagon rides up and down the walk. He slung his arm over the back rest like he was just chillin and cruisin! And since we've been home, I took him to our local paved trail for a walk/wagon ride and he loved it. He just lasts so much longer in the wagon than in the stroller. So I'm going to try to do it weekly. Good exercise for me.

The family went out for our annual dinner out and we were by the area with rides and such. I knew Raffi loves the Carousal so we headed over there. He caught one look of the Ferris wheel and it was pointing all crazy. He wanted to go on the Ferris wheel. Which I was thrilled, not really, I don't like heights. But we went on it and of course he loved it.

There are so many other pictures and some more video, I'll have to post them later.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Yeh! Found our camera.

Our digital camera has been MIA for over a month. I checked all of Raffi's hiding places because I was sure he was the last one to have had it. So today, I moved the couch and low and behold, there was the camera, a cookbook, 2 balls, 3 pens, raisins, papers and a phone book. Thank God.

I will now be able to take good pictures at our family beach house trip in a couple weeks. I've been packing today, because I will be leaving soon to go see my parents.

Raffi is saying "Got it" when he gets something and "home" and some beginnings of "mine." He is getting so tall as well.

This week, I cooked entirely out of the The Toddler Cafe by Jennifer Carden. So far so good. Raffi hasn't like all of the recipes, but they have been pretty tasty. I've liked them. There are several recipes using veges in creative ways. I haven't really had time to do that yet. It has been baking frozen french fries and stuff like that.

Raffi is finally starting to like some chicken. And he has discovered the joy of dipping things in Ranch dressing. So he is already a big ranch fan. He ate a couple bites of chicken nuggets at Mcdonald's. He really likes those apple slices. So it is funny we go to McDonald's for apples. And I sometimes get the yogurt apple walnut snack salad.

I particularly hungry right now, and all my snacking is not even filling me up. Even some chocolate chips!

Somebody come feed me!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thomas the Train Ride

On Saturday, the whole family went to the Railyards and rode Thomas the Train for a 20 minute trip. Raffi couldn't stop saying "choo choo." And we got a bonus because we directed to park in the far parking lot and got to ride a "shuttle" train to the actual park area. I think Raffi liked that train the best. But he has looked at the pictures and said choo choo. I know he remembers it. He also tried the bounce house, got a little scared so didin't last long and he also painted with tempura paints for the first time. He of course is a natural!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Toddler Times

Raphael is utilizing his fork while eating much better the last couple of days. He is still yammering alot in his own language with the occasional English word thrown in. He is quite the handful, fully exercising his "twoness." So there are frequent "Time outs" for climbing on the outside of the stairwell and climbing on the tables!

But man, he is the cutest! I'm biased, since well, I'm his mom. But so many people have stopped and remarked how cute he is. He is such a charmer as well. Occasionally he give the "whattu talking about Willis?" look to people. And that just cracks me up more.

I'm still involved in my various moms groups and activities, which I feel keep me sane with adult conversations, but also yields adult drama. Oh life. It is challenging in so many ways. But I'm growing and learning. So I can't ask for more. (maybe a winning lottery ticket, but I think God is sick of that one!)

The picture above is a recent nap time where Raffi appeared to be kissing his dream girl. Ha ha. And below he is goofing around at a recent Mom's Group Playdate. Suck a cutie!

Friday, July 17, 2009


Raffi's language is coming along; he is still behind his contemporaries, but yet I keep believing that he is going to wake up one morning and start speaking in clear sentences. He has added I think around another 10 words or so; gardener, door, sure, nose, cheese, and some others that I can't remember at the moment. In June, I started getting a little worried because it seemed like he regressed a little, but he has rebounded since then. He will talk to you or himself in full monologues. It seems he is talking in semi-complete sentences, just in his own language. His motor skills are just awesome. He is kicking and throwing well and climbing like a 3 year old.

I know I will look back at this time, like I am now with his crawling/walking, and just laugh that I was ever worried. Funny how that is.

Monday, July 6, 2009

June Month in Review

June was a major event month and in true fashion I didn't blog about it. So my critics have reminded me!

So in review:
Raffi and I went Strawberry Picking at a farm. He did really good, actually picking the berries, (not eating them like the other kids in our playgroup were doing) and putting them in the box. I was so impressed. He got plenty muddy and I ate pie, so it was good times for all!

Raffi had his first professional haircut. We went to one of those kid places where you sit in a car. He was fine in the car like seat, until the lady put the smock on him. Then the crying and anger began. I had to assist in holding him to get the haircut finished, but he is a trooper and the hairstylist was fast, so it all worked out in the end. He looked so handsome and like such a big boy. I loved his haircut; his father - not so much.

We had a 2nd Birthday Party for Raffi with some work friends on June 13th. The party went well and Raffi was full of high energy and seemed to even be embarrassed when we sang Happy Birthday to him.

Raffi and I also went for a trip to So. Cal to visit family. We had a good time and had another birthday party where Raffi demonstrated his John Daly impression. Funny Boy.

Raffi is saying an additional 5 or more words. His babbling is getting more and more distinct. I'm so surprised he is not fully talking yet. He always seems like he right on the cusp. His motor skills are excellent and he is just crazy anyplace he goes. He loves to climb, go on the big slides at parks, and loves to dance to any good music.

We also started going to a local amusement park for preschoolers. Raffi loves the train and the carosel. It is fun to enjoy it with him, I can't wait to take him to Disneyland.

Raffi had his "2" year Child Wellness Doctor appointment. He is about 23 pounds and 33 inches tall. It was good news because his weight percentages went up (prior appointment it had decreased and gone off the chart.) So this was great! His ears look good and he was in overall good health. And no shots, so that was the best part of all. I swear he grew a whole inch in the month of June. He just seemed to sprout into a boy on his 2nd birthday!

On a personal note for me. I feel like the last couple months have been more peaceful, including feelings of contempment. As always there was instances of challenging circumstances and events. I am confident that God is with me and He can use even the suckiest situations for his Glory! Amen.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Latest Pictures

Some recent pictures of the little guy. He is looking cute at the park, playing BBQ at a playdate and watching a kite at the beach.