Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Colds again and being on the farm.

Raffi got another cold. It is such a bummer on so many levels. It basically cancels our playdates for the week, Raffi has a hard time sleeping because his nose is all clogged and so on and so on. But today, we did escape the house and went to a community farm where moms from my yoga group go to help harvest, weed and volunteer. You get to take some of the produce home with you. Today, we picked some broccoli, swiss chard, and spinach.

It was neat to harvest food right from the ground. Being a suburban gal my whole life, I haven't had this opportunity often. So I was giddy. And Raffi ran around, sometimes trampling poor defenseless growing plants. He dug in the dirt and rearranged the sprinklers and basically had a blast. I have a few pics but I haven't downloaded them yet.

I think Raffi's top incisors are finally cut through, because they do not seem to be bothering him as much. He is still chewing on plastic and such. But his whimpering at night has gone away. So that is a good thing.

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