Friday, January 23, 2009

January Pics & Stuff

Raffi's top incisor teeth are coming in at the moment. He has actually been cranky for the past week or so(unlike the super cute pic above). He is also demonstrating more toddler like behavior: protesting when he doesn't get his way including dramatically falling on his knees with his head slumped forward. It is partly cute and other part frustrating. He is getting so tall, he reached into my bathroom sink cabinet drawer and got into my makeup bag. He took out a eyebrow brush and tried to brush his hair. ha-ha.

Leisurely Snacking:

Raffi enjoys music and loves to dance. Grandma and Grandpa got him a keyboard for Xmas which he like to turn on to a musical selection and dance around the living room. I actually have video but I need to trim it down, so hopefully I'll get it posted before summer.

Raffi at the Children's Museum

1 comment:

Kathy Collard Miller said...

Oh my, that is truly a super cute pic. I can't believe my grandson would have a temper tantrum! Darcy's child? hahahahahahaha