Monday, July 6, 2009

June Month in Review

June was a major event month and in true fashion I didn't blog about it. So my critics have reminded me!

So in review:
Raffi and I went Strawberry Picking at a farm. He did really good, actually picking the berries, (not eating them like the other kids in our playgroup were doing) and putting them in the box. I was so impressed. He got plenty muddy and I ate pie, so it was good times for all!

Raffi had his first professional haircut. We went to one of those kid places where you sit in a car. He was fine in the car like seat, until the lady put the smock on him. Then the crying and anger began. I had to assist in holding him to get the haircut finished, but he is a trooper and the hairstylist was fast, so it all worked out in the end. He looked so handsome and like such a big boy. I loved his haircut; his father - not so much.

We had a 2nd Birthday Party for Raffi with some work friends on June 13th. The party went well and Raffi was full of high energy and seemed to even be embarrassed when we sang Happy Birthday to him.

Raffi and I also went for a trip to So. Cal to visit family. We had a good time and had another birthday party where Raffi demonstrated his John Daly impression. Funny Boy.

Raffi is saying an additional 5 or more words. His babbling is getting more and more distinct. I'm so surprised he is not fully talking yet. He always seems like he right on the cusp. His motor skills are excellent and he is just crazy anyplace he goes. He loves to climb, go on the big slides at parks, and loves to dance to any good music.

We also started going to a local amusement park for preschoolers. Raffi loves the train and the carosel. It is fun to enjoy it with him, I can't wait to take him to Disneyland.

Raffi had his "2" year Child Wellness Doctor appointment. He is about 23 pounds and 33 inches tall. It was good news because his weight percentages went up (prior appointment it had decreased and gone off the chart.) So this was great! His ears look good and he was in overall good health. And no shots, so that was the best part of all. I swear he grew a whole inch in the month of June. He just seemed to sprout into a boy on his 2nd birthday!

On a personal note for me. I feel like the last couple months have been more peaceful, including feelings of contempment. As always there was instances of challenging circumstances and events. I am confident that God is with me and He can use even the suckiest situations for his Glory! Amen.

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