Friday, July 17, 2009


Raffi's language is coming along; he is still behind his contemporaries, but yet I keep believing that he is going to wake up one morning and start speaking in clear sentences. He has added I think around another 10 words or so; gardener, door, sure, nose, cheese, and some others that I can't remember at the moment. In June, I started getting a little worried because it seemed like he regressed a little, but he has rebounded since then. He will talk to you or himself in full monologues. It seems he is talking in semi-complete sentences, just in his own language. His motor skills are just awesome. He is kicking and throwing well and climbing like a 3 year old.

I know I will look back at this time, like I am now with his crawling/walking, and just laugh that I was ever worried. Funny how that is.

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