The Grandparents (plus one great-grandparent) was a success. I know they had a great time and enjoyed experiencing Raffi in person, instead of over a web cam. My father and I played a little par 3 golf, while my mom babysat. On Saturday, Doug and I had a date and saw the latest Batman movie. We came home to Raffi taking a nap on my mom, it was so cute. I sadly didn't take as many pictures as I have on previous visits. Of course, there was a lot of eating of food and dessert, especially chocolate cakes (from various restaurants.)
My parents could probably better describe their visit, but Raffi had a blast for sure. He was going a mile a minute talking and running around. He always kept an eye to make sure someone was paying attention to him and loved to play peek-a-boo with the grandparents. Raffi also had some amazing conversations with my 92 year old grandma Audrey. I'm not sure this week can compare with the last, with his favorite audience gone.