Sunday, September 21, 2008

Grandparent Fun

The Grandparents (plus one great-grandparent) was a success. I know they had a great time and enjoyed experiencing Raffi in person, instead of over a web cam. My father and I played a little par 3 golf, while my mom babysat. On Saturday, Doug and I had a date and saw the latest Batman movie. We came home to Raffi taking a nap on my mom, it was so cute. I sadly didn't take as many pictures as I have on previous visits. Of course, there was a lot of eating of food and dessert, especially chocolate cakes (from various restaurants.)

My parents could probably better describe their visit, but Raffi had a blast for sure. He was going a mile a minute talking and running around. He always kept an eye to make sure someone was paying attention to him and loved to play peek-a-boo with the grandparents. Raffi also had some amazing conversations with my 92 year old grandma Audrey. I'm not sure this week can compare with the last, with his favorite audience gone.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Music Class and reading

I forgot to mention in my last blog that I finished the novel I was reading; Blue Heart Blessed by Susan Meissner. Or did I mention it. Now I can't remember. ...Nope, just check, I hadn't. I blogged that I was reading, but not that I finished. Which, I did. It has been like over a year or so since I finished a fiction book. It felt victorious.

Music class went well. As soon as Raffi's little feet hit the classroom floor he was running around examining the doors, electrical outlets, the boom box, etc. He was in a room full of strangers and usually he is glued to my side. Nope, not that day. He would swing by give me a smile and keep on moving; Basically through the entire music class. While other children were sitting calmly on their mother's, grandma's or nanny's lap. But no, not Raffi. I guess he really does have my DNA in him. Ha ha. I'm starting to get a little frightened of what life is going to be like for the next decade or so with an active boy!

Raffi did clap a couple of times and did his own dance, which is twirling around with his head cocked to one side. For a first class, I declare it was successful. I'm looking forward to watching his development in this class.

Today, my parents and my dad's mother are coming for a visit for several days. I'm really excited. I can't wait for them to witness the little boy that has emerged from my baby.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Big Boy Seat

Raffi in his front facing car seat today. He sort of seemed amazed and apathetic all at the same time.

We got good news from the doctor's office today; Raffi's iron level is good. I'm so relieved. I never was really diligent about getting the iron in him, becuase he threw it up most of the time. (At his 9 month appt, his iron levels were low.)

It was a slow starting day, we didn't leave the house until 4pm to go to the grocery store and run errands. Oh well. Glad I'm not on a clock! Tomorrow is our first music lessons, so I hope that goes well.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Follow-up thoughts and such

Yesterday, I came to a epiphany about my worry about Raffi's weight. I have wanted him to be 20 pounds because #1. He could use his new car seat, and #2. Some notion in my head that he needs to be 20 pounds. So the realization was that just because he reaches 20 pounds isn't going to make him more healthier, happier or really anything of consequence. He will just be 20 pounds. Raffi is healthy and quite happy; so no more fixating on his weight for me!

Did I mention, that Raffi has had a cold all week and lovingly gave it to his mother. Oh yes. While mentioning our colds to my dad, he reminisced about all the illnesses we brought home to him and mom. Especially, the time my brother and I gave my dad the chicken pox; which for an adult is much worse. He was quite miserable, I remembered as well.

I made some odds and ends addition to the blog, i figured it needed some art. I keep telling myself that I'm going to review any artwork that I've come across, ie the Seattle Art Museum and really haven't. Eventually, I will. I hope to take Raffi to the San Jose art museum and also make it back to the San Francisco ones.

Friday, September 12, 2008

What A Day!

Today, Raffi and I had are first meeting for the MOPS Group. Raffi went to childcare at the church and I went to the group meeting with food, introductions, quick devotional and other such talkings that go along with moms meeting each other for the first time: talking about our kids. I didn't see Raffi cry myself because I slipped out of the room while he was playing. But another mom said he was crying while she was dropping off her crying child. But he and I made it through the 2 hours without any rescuing!

When I picked him up from the "toddlers" room, he was playing with a chair and didn't notice that I was calling his name. But the look on his face was amazing. He was not happy about the situation, he would play(it said), but gosh darnit, he wouldn't like it!

Then we ran over to a birthday party at park in the hills. I nursed him for his lunch and then off we were to his 15 month well baby checkup with the Doc. He is 19 1/2 pounds and 30 inches long. The Doctor gave us the blessing to use our front facing car seat and I think it is time. Raffi's feet easily hit the back seat in front of him. He may not have the weight, but he is a little tall for his current seat. The conversation made me remember Raffi coming home from the hospital at 4 1/2 pounds!
Also at the Doc's, he received the OK for health and all that and as a parting gift received four vaccination shots (including MMR) and had his blood taken to check his iron level. Of course he screamed like a banshee! He fell asleep in the car but I couldn't get him to go back to sleep once we got in the house. So his entire nap amount for the day was around a half an hour. So for all that he was such a trouper!

After all that I had a glass wine at home. So we traversed through some milestones today and I feel good about it. Thanks for praying for us Mom!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Here is another pic of Raffi at the mall's playarea. It is so convientant while I'm shopping to just let him run around a little. And I like the best part, FREE. I'm enjoying the walking Raffi. It is fun to interact with him and watch him play. Doug misses the baby, but I surprisingly don't that much. I love to watch him walk/run with such joy.

The last two days while Raffi has napped, I have been reading a novel. Usually I'm just surfing the internet mindlessly. Today, I even had a glass of wine with my novel. It just feels great to read and really get engrossed in the book. Oh, and the glass of wine certainly helps. The book is Blue Heart Blessed by Susan Meissner. So far, I'm really liking it.

This week was going to be really busy with classes, playdates and birthday parties, but Raffi got a cold a couple of days ago, so that has put the "cancel" to many of our plans. The cold doesn't seem to severe, he is sleeping ok. I'm clenching my teeth again, so I must be sleeping more.
Here is a picture of the chocolate chip cookies I made last Friday. They came out great!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Victory of the day: I used multiple coupons at Babies R US for stuff we actually needed. I hate to buy things at full price when I know I could/should have a discount. So I was all coupon geeked out about today's purchase. Part of the purchase is a baby gate. So far we have used the big plastic storage bins, luggage and other odds and ends to coral are little toddler. Day by day he finds new ways to test the perimeter. So it is time to put up the gates!

This pic is from a park playdate on Tuesday. He finally went in the tunnel.

You know when you buy some gadget, small electronics, etc and then never use them. Well, I'm actually using that slow cooker I got. I made a beef Merlot stew earlier this week and today I'm making a marinara mozzarella lasagna. The cookbook I have is "Not your mother's slow cooker for two" or something like that. I like it.

I do watch a little reality TV and most of it is the stchk stuff from Bravo. Top Chef and Project Runway are my favorites. Last night, Stella, the biker chik, was aufed on Project Runway. I knew she was going to be on the chopping block soon. I would love to be able to sew my own designs. I had quite a style of my own in Jr. High/High School. Of course, it was the 80's so it was a little Depeche Mode meets Wham!

Monday, September 1, 2008