I've actually had lots to talk about the last couple of weeks. But I didn't.
I'll at least get in the noticeables for today. A pic at the park, he was having a great time in the swing. He also learned how to go down the slide staying seated up. Before he sort of fell back and slid on his back. He also seemed to get the rocking horse.
So to some highlights:
Two Fridays ago, I had my mother meltdown moment. At my church moms group, Raffi was crying too much so they called me to take him. (it was only like 30 min into the program.) I felt like the childcare people just gave up on him and the manager said she "needed her caregivers in the room with the kids" not strolling around crying babies. I almost left and cried in the car, but a mom at my table stopped me and told me to just hang around with Raffi. Which turn to be a little difficult because he wanted to run around. Later that day, Raffi deliberately kept doing a no-no, while looking at me. I didn't know that it (disciplining) would start so early. Now when I look back at that day, it doesn't seem that bad. But mentally, I was not in a happy place.
Raffi had his NICU follow-up meeting with a developmental specialist and a social worker. After Raffi got over his shyness he did very well. There was some speech recognition that we are keeping an eye on. But overall he is doing great. The social worker started going on this tangent that at 20lbs he was so underweight that we should start fortifying his milk and feeding him extra butter! After I got off the ceiling, I calmed down, and realized later that our pediatrician thinks he is doing fine and that trying to force extra calories won't translate to weight gain.
We still have been doing the usual music classes, playgroups, and park time. Lots of fun.
Oh and this last Friday, we went to MOPS, the church moms group. I talked with the caregivers and told them to work with him, and not to call me unless he was ill. So Raffi pretty much cried the entire 2 hours, but he was more mad than upset. I just hope at some point he will get over it before his 8th birthday. I know he will, but there is just that fear (with so many things about parenting).