Saturday, January 24, 2009

Momentous Occasion

I just went to Target and only spent $4.28. I just had to record that amazing fact! We started an all-cash spending system to stop putting junk on our credit cards we can't afford. And it has worked, it really has cut down on my extra spending. Especially those dangerous trips to Target!

Oh, Random note: I'm not watching or will pay attention to anything Oscars this year. They didn't nominate Batman. And really that flick was so good it was painful. So basically this year is worthless. I'm sure that some of the other movies are good (I haven't seen them.) But really I'm done this year.


JulieandCaleb said...

WHAT?? You mean they actually let you leave the store if you haven't spent at least 100 bucks?!?!?!? Who knew??

Good job! :-)

Kathy Collard Miller said...


And I agree with Julie.

Anonymous said...

You really should make the time to see Slumdog.......I'm just saying..

Darcy said...

I wouldn't mind seeing Slumbdog. But I rarely get to even see a movie. So hopefully I'll just rent it or wait till its on the TV.