Monday, March 9, 2009

Kill the cold with cookies.

I'm sitting in my lazy boy chair while Raffi is taking a nap and pattering away at the computer and doing my devotional. I have another cold, I got it just when Raffi was healing from his last one 5 days ago. And of course Raffi's nose started running today! AHhh. This winter sickness season is killing me. It is nonstop relentless. Once fall came I might as well put a sign on my front door, Out sick for Season see you in May! So what good am I doing to help my cold, Girl Scout Cookies. A nice plate assortment of thin mints, samoas, and my homemade oatmeal cookies. I'm trying to suffocate the cold with sugar.

The pic above is me at one of my mom's groups annual luncheon. We get all dressed up and go play without the baby! yeh. I had a blast although I was bummed I did not win any fabulous raffle prizes. But it was all worth it, and I found a new tea I'm in love with; it is from Pete's Coffee and I'm pretty sure is is Xio's Blend. It blends chamomile and peppermint and it is fantastic.

Well, ok I guess I will talk about my lovely son. He is quite the chatter box this past week. He is utilizing some action words such as "See" when he wants to see or do something. He also says "brush" for brush teeth, etc. Last night he brought me a toothbrush container and said "brush, brush." At the moment, he enjoys getting his teeth brushed, I'm not sure how long that will last. He loves to watch the gardeners outside mowing the lawn and blowing all the leaves around. It is great to see a jump in his language development. We had a lot of great plans this week, but I'm unsure as to what we will be able to manage. Oh well. Back to my cookies....

1 comment:

Kathy Collard Miller said...

You look so pretty. Darling outfit.