Friday, January 30, 2009

Cute pic and March for Babies

A quick announcement, I will be walking in the March for Babies to raise money for the March of Dimes. I will be sending out emails in the next couple of days, I hope if you are able that you can support me and this wonderful cause. As many of you know, this cause hits pretty close to home. Raffi was born 2 months early at 2 lbs 12 ounces. I'm so thankful for the advancement in medicine that allowed Raffi to thrive and grow. He is now a healthy, growing 19 month old. He is a little underweight still, but he eats well and is growing steadily.

Below is a picture taken while Raffi was in the NICU. I think he was only a week or so old.


Anonymous said...

Kangaroo care. I admit I miss it. I loved having that tiny warm almost naked baby snuggled up with me.

Darcy said...

I know. Every time I held him like this it brought tears to my eyes.