Friday, February 6, 2009


Raffi's cold was not improving as of yesterday, and it had been like 10 days, so off to the doc we went. And...he has a cold and ear infections, again. So that is 3 in the last 3 months, if he gets 2 more than off to the ENT Specialist.

I'm glad that it got diagnosed. It seems when the ear infection gets cleared up with medicine, the cold soon follows. But I wish we had gone in sooner. Raffi is just a happy sick kid. He has had a couple of times of more than usual fussiness. I always think it is teething because he has his hand in his mouth. He definitely has his father's tolerance to pain.

1 comment:

JulieandCaleb said...

Poor Raf!! He didn't seem to be slowed down by it at all during the super bowl. At least you know you don't have a whiner on your hands!! I hope he gets better soon!!

In other news:

We had cake for dinner last night. This is your fault. :-) Ken looooooves the cake you made, and is furiously hinting I should attempt to recreate the wonder that is the Darcy cake. Enlighten me, oh cake master!